
Over breakfast with a dear friend as we discussed where her journey was leading, as she lives on Purpose, she shared this quote by Dr. Michael Beckworth:

“Pain pushes until vision pulls.”

I stopped eating and asked her to repeat it. Those five words capture what I have been witnessing lately in so many women. Women are waking up.

Life can become pretty uncomfortable once we know we need to find our Purpose and move into our life in a new way… but don’t.

Lots of reasons we tell ourselves: we are afraid. We are nervous about letting go of what we feel is safe.  We convince ourselves that the devil we know might not be such a bad guy after all.

But something still keeps pushing.

In fact, that something won’t leave us alone.

It becomes painful.

“Pain pushes until vision pulls.”

Are you feeling the pain?

Maybe it’s time… time for you to discover your Purpose, align your life to it and leap into what you have always been meant to be and do.

Let go and leap.

Let vision pull you into the peace of trusting your life.

A huge hug,




Love to hear your thoughts.

Think8 is an international Business Design Firm in Montreal dedicated to helping businesses and people realize their full potential to achieve meaningful success on their own terms creating a dynamic whole for life and business. We use a dynamic system of 8-steps that, when applied in sequence, allows you to bring everything you know, have lived or ever dreamt of living into focus and alignment.

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I am a professional woman who loves being a woman, who loves working with women and who loves challenging the status quo to help other women speak up, stand up and thrive.

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