Life LettersLiving Out Loud

My business partner, friend and son once told me my blogs were more like ‘love letters’. He’s right. My words trace life as I waltz in love, drag out time, nail hard lessons and often get nailed by them, face fears, mourn losses and celebrate birth and light and life. Word shape what I see, feel and know but also let me tease meanings from everything I don’t know… these are my letters to you. My life letters.

Search Results: Gratitude

A New Year

“And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.“ Riner Maria Rilke I send you a soft hello today, Not a shiny ‘Happy New Year’ as I have sung out in previous years. Simply a gentle greeting to ask how you are.  Quietly. Waiting to hear your answer. You there, and me …
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I’ve lost the bells.  Somewhere in the middle of our first lockdown, the massive bells high in the belfry of the grey stone church half a block up the street stopped ringing.  The cacophony of bells heralding noon and eventide fell silent.  Bells no longer grace my days. Even in winter’s minus forty, I’d crack open …
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Think8 is an international Business Design Firm in Montreal dedicated to helping businesses and people realize their full potential to achieve meaningful success on their own terms creating a dynamic whole for life and business. We use a dynamic system of 8-steps that, when applied in sequence, allows you to bring everything you know, have lived or ever dreamt of living into focus and alignment.

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I am a professional woman who loves being a woman, who loves working with women and who loves challenging the status quo to help other women speak up, stand up and thrive.

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