I’m often asked if living your Purpose makes life easy. Yes and no. It doesn’t mean the road before you suddenly becomes perfectly smooth and straight. Yes, new doors open, yes, you feel a powerful flow of energy and your knowingness assures you when you are on the road or when you veer off.  But there is still a road to be travelled.

Soft shoulders crumble when you least expect, pot-holes crack your undercarriage, old ruts grab your tires. Sleet, black ice, falling trees. You name it. It’s life. 

But aligning your Purpose to your whole life means you can develop the willingness, ability and know-how to keep going. You know why you are on the road. You know your destination. You drive with a firm hand, swerve when necessary, take detours when you sense a dead end ahead.

Yogini, a dear Wonder Woman who is well down her road, biding time until she creates her fully realized life, sent me a beautiful email this week. I asked if I could share parts of it with you.

“I had never seen a salmon run before I learned that I could witness this in my own backyard on the Humber river. Spending the better part of four hours sitting at the edge of the river, observing, I found it meditative. 

Salmon in the Humber are large.  One after another I watched them find a safe spot, gather energy, decide on the best time to push forward, and then go. Some went far, others got swept back to where they started, and others went sideways. 

The ones that went the furthest seemed to be the ones that gave themselves the most rest to conserve their energy. But no matter what, they all pushed forward. 

Did they really know how far they had to go, that there were six waterfalls to jump.  Perhaps all they needed was that internal need to push further and further until they found their place. 

As I watched them jump, hit themselves, fall down, circle back and propel forward again with fins, it was obvious that the most important part was the leap. 

They leaped and leaped and leaped again until they finally leaped high enough and far enough to make it over the waterfall. They never gave up. 

I feel very much like the salmon, resting, thinking and planning. And when they are ready to make a move, they do not give up. They go the distance.” 

This is your life. You get to choose it and you get to create it. 

You can choose to follow your internal need to push father and farther until you reach the place that you know you are meant to be, or you can stay in the eddies to swim circles. 

Choose you. 

I would love to hear about your roads, ruts, and your magnificent leaps over the water-falls.

Much love,



Love to hear your thoughts.

Think8 is an international Business Design Firm in Montreal dedicated to helping businesses and people realize their full potential to achieve meaningful success on their own terms creating a dynamic whole for life and business. We use a dynamic system of 8-steps that, when applied in sequence, allows you to bring everything you know, have lived or ever dreamt of living into focus and alignment.

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I am a professional woman who loves being a woman, who loves working with women and who loves challenging the status quo to help other women speak up, stand up and thrive.

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